Sophie is a wise girl. Everyday she teaches me something new and reminds me about what's important in life. Here is some of her 11 month-old wisdom:

* Eat with gusto. Spoons and fingers are fun.

* When Papa (or someone else you love) comes home, stop whatever you're doing and give him a smile. Then a hug.
*It's ok to bury your head in Mama's lap when you hurt or are sad.
* Laugh often. Laugh with your whole being. Laugh so your eyes and face sparkle.

* Play with a friend. Understand that if they walk away for a minute, it's nothing personal--there might be a bird or a football to look at.
* Be honest.

* There's nothing like a good trip to the bathroom.
* Splashing in the tub is a great way to end the day, especially with colorful starfish toys.
* How lovely to fall asleep in the arms of someone you love and trust.
* Ask for what you need. If you don't get it right away, have a little patience, then keep on asking.

* Stop and smell the roses.
* Sing to the sunflowers, doggies and kitties.
* Staying up past bedtime is ok to do when there's a fun party happening.
* Spend time in nature everyday, often. Find a favorite tree and watch it change.
* Share. Say please and thank you in whatever language you speak.
* Breathe. Sing. Pray.

* Call things by name, like "nanana" and "cado" for banana and avocado.
* Read interesting books. Ones with lots of pictures are fun, but the ones with lots of words are good too.
* Nap--it makes Mama happy. :-)
* Sing "good morning day!", even if it's 5 am.
* Kick off your socks and shoes, and wiggle those toes. Hee hee hee.
* Keep on loving and learning. You might make someone's day with your sunshine.
* What matters most is family and God.
* yourself. Who cares what the others think! You are wonderful just as you are.