On Friday, January 23, our sweet hamster Stormy passed away. She was an extraordinary being, and brought great joy to our family. We will miss you, little one.
Born in October 2007 in Oakland CA, Stormy was the smartest of the litter. She was the first to venture from the nest, the first to hop out of the shoebox while we cleaned the cage, and the first to climb the cage bars. She loved to scamper across our bathroom counter and explore the apartment in her ball.

Defying all hamster textbooks and websites, Stormy enjoyed being held and petted. She knew her name, and would venture from her hut when called (perhaps enticed by a sunflower seed or some other treat). Her cage was on the kitchen window ledge, and she "joined" us at every meal.
She knew that she was part o

f the family and grew lonely when we were away; after a two-week vacation, Stormy changed her schedule to spend time with us, staying awake during the day and sleeping at night. Sometimes she would forgo eating in lieu of being held and petted. This bond was the deciding factor in moving her to Germany.
Stormy was a hearty traveler. Not only did she venture from Oakland to Southern California twice, she may very well be the first hamster to cross the Atlantic in an airplane, business class. The "hamster with a passport" charmed the security officials at LAX and Frankfurt; one inspector even knew her species (Russian Dwarf) and offered tips on how to reduce her stress for the last leg of the flight (wrap a t-shirt around the travel container).

Stormy loved to eat plain yogurt from her own spoon. She was fond of apples, pears, cucumbers, broccoli, and Joe's O's cereal. She loved chewing on molasses bear treats and would wrestle with one for hours.
She fainted once in the living room. Our furniture had not yet arrived, and we thought it was a perfect play area for a small hamster. Dan carried her in; Stormy twitched her nose, and promptly passed out, tongue out, paws limp. We tapped her nose, took her outside for fresh air, and revived her by splashing water on her face. Although the cause was unknown, it could have been the lack of furniture--do hamsters have some sort of radar? She also experienced a mild concussion when she fell off my shoulder onto the kitchen floor.
Her nickname was "Flo Jo" as she endlessly ran in her wheel, often at great speed.

When Sophie arrived, Stormy adapted. She learned to squeak for attention, mimicking Sophia's cries. She cherished the time together in the kitchen, performing acrobatic feats of upside-down paw dangling, climbing over her wheel, and zooming through the tube.
She was Dan's first pet, and reminded us about the importance of unconditional, continual love.
Rest in peace, dear one. We feel your spirit, and look forward to seeing you in the afterlife.