Sophie is proving to be an engineer, poet, and athlete. She builds towers and organizes cupboards. Each morning begins with a lovely oration of profound thoughts from the night. She also holds the apartment record for dashing from room to room in les than five seconds. All this at age one!
Sophie also likes to share, be it her food, clothes or books. When we're at the library, she'll bring me or another child a book--fun! I love snuggling with her and reading together. While at Grandma and Grandpa's house, she discovered the piano. Hee hee hee.

She's an adventurer--practicing climbing on the bed and sofa (Lynn Hill and other climbers, watch out!). While we won't be ready for Yosemite for a while, we'll surely enjoy scaling the boulders in the park come summertime. She loves to walk around town looking for dogs and familiar faces. Her new quest is to find Christmas trees, bright lights, and flags flapping in the breeze. Her favorite flower is still the sunflower.

Our girl is a Nature Girl--likes the colorful leaves and the feel of fresh air, goes a bit nutty if cooped up too long inside or in shops. I'm looking forward to camping and adventures outside. We're experiencing a bit of Toddler Brain these days, as the teeth continue to come. Fortunately a trip to the park or beach helps mellow us all out. A warm meal helps, too. Recently at the beach,she discovered sea shells, volleyball, and sea gulls. Fun! She loves the waves. I won't be surprised if she decides to surf or boogie board!
Check out the video of her building a tower:
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