Monday, January 5, 2009

She's here!!!!!

She's here!

On December 8, 2008, at 9:08 pm, our beautiful daughter was born. Welcome to the world, Sophia Marie Rolles. We are so glad that you are here.

Already our lives have changed in the most wonderful ways. Sophie is the center of our world. I remember that we had a delicious life before her birth, but that life seems long ago. Things like swimming, salsa dancing, and spending endless time on work related projects are distant memories. My new reality entails naps with Sophie on my chest, listening for coos or cries in the night, 3 AM feedings. Dan is an expert diaper changer, and I'm learning the art of breast feeding. Sophie enjoys the gentle rumble of the stroller, and we've gone for a walk or two nearly every day.

Certainly there are challenges. What to do when Sophie's tummy hurts? How do Dan and I make time for each other, especially when we are sleep deprived? What do those different cries mean?

Yet, somehow, we're learning. Sophie teaches us, we teach her, together we grow. Today's lessons: even the smallest baby needs some time to stare at the teddy bear print in her cradle, and never underestimate the power of a good burp. As I type this, she rests in the crook of my left arm. I love her so much, and wouldn't trade this experience for anything.

We made two albums, one with our own pictures of Sophie's adventures during her first month:

and one with pictures taken by a professional photographer (our Christmas present for the Grandparents):

A song that I made up for her:
There is no one in the world like our precious baby girl
There is no one in the world like Sophia
We're so glad you're in the world, darling baby girl
We love you so much, Sophia.

1 comment:

Tasha's Mom said...

Dan and Krista - she is SOOO beautiful! It is wonderful to see everyone of you happy, healthy and thriving. Parenthood obviously suits you :) Keep the pictures coming we are loving them. ~kat, steve and tasha