Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Fun at Half Moon Bay

It was sunny and warm on Sunday, so we hopped in the car and drove to Half Moon Bay. The drive is a delightful 30 minutes, winding through cypress and eucalyptus groves, past pumpkin patches and Christmas tree farms, ending at a lovely sandy beach embraced by high wind-blown cliffs.

Sophie likes the ocean. Our little beach babe kicked off her shoes and made a beeline for the waves. The frigid water didn't seem to bother her; when back on dry ground, Sophie played a bit to appease us, then scampered back to the water's edge.

We played and played. There's nothing like the beach to relax and renew the spirit. I'm particularly fond of the Pacific Ocean and the Northern California Coast. The air tastes fresh, the redwood studded hills tumble down to meet the sea, the grainy sand massages the toes. sometimes we see dolphins, whales, seals and sea otters. Sophie found some pretty shells, all worn smooth from their underwater tumbles.

Time to head back. Dan and Sophie fell into a deep sleep while I enjoyed a few moments to myself. We then met the rest of the research team at a burger joint for greaseburgers, milk shakes and curly fries. Yum.

Soon it will be time for a vacation, once all this crazy fabulous research is over. Maybe we'll find another charming beach town with a beautiful stretch of coastline, or maybe we'll return to this one. How lucky we are to live so close to paradise.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Lessons from my daughter

Sophie is a wise girl. Everyday she teaches me something new and reminds me about what's important in life. Here is some of her 11 month-old wisdom:

* Eat with gusto. Spoons and fingers are fun.

* When Papa (or someone else you love) comes home, stop whatever you're doing and give him a smile. Then a hug.

*It's ok to bury your head in Mama's lap when you hurt or are sad.

* Laugh often. Laugh with your whole being. Laugh so your eyes and face sparkle.

* Play with a friend. Understand that if they walk away for a minute, it's nothing personal--there might be a bird or a football to look at.

* Be honest.

* There's nothing like a good trip to the bathroom.

* Splashing in the tub is a great way to end the day, especially with colorful starfish toys.

* How lovely to fall asleep in the arms of someone you love and trust.

* Ask for what you need. If you don't get it right away, have a little patience, then keep on asking.

* Stop and smell the roses.

* Sing to the sunflowers, doggies and kitties.

* Staying up past bedtime is ok to do when there's a fun party happening.

* Spend time in nature everyday, often. Find a favorite tree and watch it change.

* Share. Say please and thank you in whatever language you speak.

* Breathe. Sing. Pray.

* Call things by name, like "nanana" and "cado" for banana and avocado.

* Read interesting books. Ones with lots of pictures are fun, but the ones with lots of words are good too.

* Nap--it makes Mama happy. :-)

* Sing "good morning day!", even if it's 5 am.

* Kick off your socks and shoes, and wiggle those toes. Hee hee hee.

* Keep on loving and learning. You might make someone's day with your sunshine.

* What matters most is family and God.

* And...be yourself. Who cares what the others think! You are wonderful just as you are.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Pumpkin Time

Autumn is here in the Bay Area (Yep, we're back in beautiful California; more on that later). Time to take our little pumpkin to a pumpkin patch.

Lita, Sophie and I went to one near Half Moon Bay. We bypassed the super cheesy ones with inflatable rides and noisy bouncy things, and honed in on one with lots of flowers, wooden structures and pumpkins. Sophie loved all the colors and textures. There's something to be said for crawling on the hay and running little hands all over gourds.

Enthralled by their shape and color, Sophie still points at pumpkins and squeals in delight. This makes our walks delightful, especially when she's snuggled up in the Moby wrap. Here's this cute kid with big blue eyes and a great smile, wearing an orange hat with a butterfly on it, pointing and "ooh! Ooh! Ohh!"ing at pumpkins carved and plain. Linus would be proud; he might think he found a companion to search for the Great Pumpkin come Halloween.

Speaking of October 31, Sophie went to her first Halloween party. She dressed as...what else...a pumpkin. She had a ball. So many colorful lights, sparkly things, and interesting people. Who knew that Jesters, Candy Corn, and Teletubbies lived nearby?

She also went trick or treating, and was more interested in picking the lemons off of the neighbor's tree than touching That Strange Stuff Called Candy (good girl, Soph!).

We bought two little pumpkins, and would like to make them into pie. However, that would take away Sophie's two new favorite toys--she picks them up by the stems and rolls them across the carpet. Hmmm....maybe it's time to take her to a turkey farm? :-)