Thursday, September 12, 2013

Back To Life

Hey everyone,
It's been a loooong time since I've posted something on the blog. It was too difficult to write for the past few years, anyone whose gone through deep grief knows that even the most expressive and creative amongst us shut down once in a while. Yet time really does heal wounds, thank God. A little flicker of hope has ignited into a steady-burning fire inside my core. The pencil has been picked up, a new notebook opened. The stories are ready to come out.

I write because I have to. If I don't, I will wither and eventually die. Not in a physical sense, but a spiritual sense. There will be a shell of a person who functions in the world, but that facade won't be me. And I don't want to live life as an imposter, a thief of time and space and breath, nor do I want to begin a downward suicidal spiral into mere existence. Life is too precious. There is work to do, experiences to be had, meaning to be made, contributions to give. I write to give structure to the fabulously messy process called Life, to make meaning out of nonsensical situations and ordinary reality, and to expression passion and, ultimately, joy.

With that, the blog has officially opened for republication. I hope you enjoy.

xox me

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